Message for students
COVID-19 made us realize the importance of a safe and secure society. The role of electrical and electronic engineering in protecting this irreplaceable society is critical. One of the primary missions of our group is to cooperate with many people in different fields and develop electrical and electronic engineering human resources who can lead the creation of such a sustainable society.
To that end, research activities should not be viewed simply as a place to absorb knowledge and technology. Instead, we will explore ways to sublimate them into homes to create new added value in collaboration with colleagues. We believe that mere teaching of knowledge only creates an effect proportional to the time spent. Instead, if colleagues can inspire each other, each individual can expect exponential growth.
Also, for you to play an active role in various fields regardless of your career path after graduation or completion, we will mobilize all the knowledge and experience that Prof. Arai has cultivated at a strategy consulting firm, and I will give you some examples below. We aim to create an environment where students can comprehensively develop transferable abilities.
- Issue-driven thinking: To determine what issues are fundamental in providing added value to society, students will systematically develop practical-level thinking methods for issues and hypotheses adopted in the business industry, which has strengths in intellectual production.
- Verbalization: Underlying communication is the ability to put one’s thoughts into words logically and efficiently. We will energetically teach analytical writing and presentation skills useful in any industry daily.
- Professionalism: In the world of rigorous intellectual production (e.g., research and development, management consulting, etc.), where everything is evaluated based on results, we need to develop a way of thinking that allows us to work harmoniously and smoothly with others and to be active healthily and sustainably.
The central research theme of our group, “quantum and informatics,” is the keyword for the next-generation society, which is attracting tremendous attention these days. Therefore, let us pursue the above goals together, using this hot theme as a springboard.
- 論点思考力:社会へ付加価値を提供するにはどのような問題が本当に重要なのかを見極めるため、知的生産を強みとするビジネス業界で取り入れられている論点・仮説の思考法を、実践レベルで体系的に発信します。
- 言語化力:コミュニケーションの根底にあるのは、自らの思考を論理的にわかりやすく言葉にする力です。どの業界でも通用する論理的ライティング・プレゼン力を日頃から精力的に指導します。
- プロフェショナリズム:すべてが結果で評価される厳しい知的生産(研究開発等)の世界において、他者と円満・円滑に協働し、健康的かつ持続的に活躍していくための思考法をお伝えします。
「量子と情報」という本研究室の主要テーマは、昨今注目を集めている次世代社会のキーワードです。 この熱いテーマを恰好の題材として、上記の目標を一緒に追求していきましょう。